Many people will experience balding or thinning hair during their lifetimes. For some, it doesn’t affect them, but some others struggle with lower confidence and self-esteem. In some cases a hair transplant, which is a surgical procedure that stimulates new, permanent hair growth, is the right solution to getting that bounce back in their step.
Ultimately, the decision about whether a hair transplant is right for you will be up to you and your doctor, but first, you need to know the signs that you’re ready to get one to begin with.
Good Physical Health
This is a low-risk procedure, but always consult with your doctor first to see if you have any conditions or are taking any medications that might affect the recovery process.
The Right Age
Although some people experience hair loss as early as in their teens, most hair transplant doctors recommend waiting until at least the 30s for the procedure. This allows time for balding to advance to a certain degree with a pattern determinable. It makes it more likely that you’ll get the results you want.
Hair Loss for at Least 5 Years
Similar to the above, hair loss for an extensive time lets a doctor determine what patterns there are and how best to address the situation. Addressing hair loss at the first signs of it may not be effective in the long run.
Medications Not as Effective Now
If you’ve been using medications to treat hair loss and the results are leveling off or have stopped, or you’re experiencing side effects, a hair transplant may indeed be the way to go.
Done with the Hiding
Many people use hats, wigs, or scarves to hide hair loss from others and even from themselves. If you’ve done that and you’re tired of it, it could be time to explore getting a hair transplant.
Enough Donor Hair for the Procedure
A hair transplant required taking hair follicles from a spot of healthy growth and implanting them where balding has occurred. If there aren’t substantial amounts of hair on the sides and back of the head, a hair transplant may not work.
Results will not happen all at once. Most hair transplant patients see new growth within a year, but it’s not the same for everyone. So you’ll need to be patient, especially during the phase where the transplanted hairs fall out. That doesn’t mean the procedure failed!
On Your Mind All the Time
Is your hair loss dominating your thoughts and how you see yourself? If it is, it’s definitely time to consider whether a hair transplant is right for you.
Desire for Better Quality of Life
Similarly, if having your hair back is going to make you enjoy life more, then push aside doubts; schedule a consultation with a hair transplant surgeon.
Knowing What You’re Doing
Finally, make sure you know what you’re getting into. Are you a good candidate for a hair transplant? Which specific procedure is right for you? What will the recovery process be like, and what side effects might there be? How long will it be until you can expect to see results?
Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Zandifar
Dr. Zandifar of ZMDHair is a leading hair transplant specialist who understands what’s at stake for his patients, and it’s his mission to help them restore a positive self-image and feel like their true selves again.
If you think you’re a candidate for a hair transplant, let’s schedule a consultation with Dr. Zandifar today!
