While we may most commonly associate hair loss with men experiencing male pattern baldness, women lose hair as well. And just as hair loss can be a blow to confidence and self-esteem in men, it can do the same to women.
By hair loss, we’re not talking about the normal amount of hairs that fall out during the day or when you brush or comb it; that happens to everyone. We’re talking about excessive amounts, as in clumps at a time, more than 125 strands a day, or obvious bald or thinning spots. In those instances, you should see a doctor and see if treatments are available.
Is Hair Loss Common in Women?
Researchers estimate that over 50% of women will experience noticeable hair loss at some point in their lives. Since it is more likely than not, the relevant things to consider are to whom it happens and why.
Which Women Are More Likely To Experience Hair Loss?
The truth is that any woman can experience hair loss. However, some groups are more prone to it than others are. Here are those groups:
● Women who are above the age of 40
● Women who have recently gone through childbirth
● Women who are going through menopause
● Women who have undergone chemotherapy or are taking other medications known to include hair loss as possible side effects
● Women with hairstyles that pull on the hair, creating stress on it
What Causes Hair Loss in Women?
● Female pattern baldness. It’s a myth that only men carry a gene that results in experiencing baldness sometime during their lives. About 30 million women in the U.S. alone are susceptible to it, and about a third will see noticeable effects.
● Rapid weight loss, vitamin deficiencies, and diets that severely restrict protein and iron intake
● Hormonal changes resulting from pregnancy, menopause, and birth control pills
● Extreme physical stress from things such as childbirth, anemia, or severe illnesses
● Extreme emotional stress such as that from losing a loved one or a mental illness
● Toxic substances such as those associated with chemotherapy and radiation
● “Tight” hairstyles such as ponytails, braids, bobs, and cornrows. If hair follicles sustain damage, it can be permanent.
● Alopecia areata, an autoimmune skin disease that results in patchy hair loss on the scalp and sometimes in other areas of the body. Fortunately, this is usually a temporary condition.
Is a Hair Transplant a Viable Solution?
A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that removes hair follicles from an area of healthy growth and transplants them to another in hopes of stimulating new, permanent growth. It is not the solution to all hair-loss situations, but it is highly effective when patients are good candidates for one.
If you’re a woman experiencing hair loss and think you might be a good candidate for a hair transplant, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Zandifar, the best hair transplant surgeon in Beverly Hills. He’ll ask all the right questions to help determine whether a hair transplant is right for you.
Let’s schedule your consultation today!
