Here’s the truth: hair loss is natural. As we age, our hair can thin and begin to fall out. Although we can’t pinpoint the reason for your hair loss, stress can worsen the situation. We understand that hair loss can impact self-esteem.
Half of all men will experience male pattern baldness. In this scenario, men will lose hair in a pattern. Imagine a loss of hair around the temples and crown. Female hair loss becomes even more common after pregnancy and menopause.
When hair loss happens, when is the best time to respond?
A 30-year-old hair transplant patient may seem too young. However, it may be the best time. By now, your hair loss is most likely stabilized. Mind your age if you are starting to think about a hair transplant.
A Follicular Unit Extension is one of the most common ways to transplant hair. A hair transplant surgeon will extract hair follicles from different areas. The sides and back of the head are examples. The goal is to take this hair and apply it to the thinning area naturally. It’s all about aligning angles and directions. The minimally-invasive procedure has less scarring, and the recovery is more manageable.
Here are three things to consider:
Take your time
If you are younger than 30, we recommend taking a break to consider more options. You can do more harm than good by choosing a surgical solution. Instead, explore non-surgical options to slow down your hair loss until you are an ideal candidate.
If you choose a surgical solution before it’s time, there is a risk your hair loss will continue. Instead, wait until you have time to understand your hair loss pattern fully. Moving too fast may require a second hair transplant.
Talk to the expert A hair transplant specialist is your best source for creating a treatment plan. They can first help you confirm whether your hair loss has stabilized. This step is critical for a successful hair transplant.
The tip for a transplant is understanding when to plan the surgery. While 29 may be considered too young, there is also a time that may be too late. If your hair loss has advanced, a transplant may not be successful.
Learn about your loss While you wait for your hair loss to stabilize, take time to do your research. Even if it is too early to schedule surgery, meeting with a transplant specialist is valuable. For example, it may be easier to predict your hair loss pattern.
Learn how to monitor your hair loss and truly understand when it has begun to stabilize. Remember the important role your loss pattern will play in the process. Aim for natural, successful results.
Contact us
Let your hair do all the talking this year. Contact us to learn more about hair transplantation and whether you are a candidate. We believe you can have confidence and self-esteem to hold your head high. We would love to hear from you today.
